FAQ for Borobudur

1. When is the best time to visit Borobudur Park?
Borobudur in Java has its dry season from April to October and a wet season from November to March. The dry season also coincides with the peak tourist season and can be sweltering in the day. Incidence of rain is higher during the wet season but there are still some pockets of excellent weather.

2. When is the best time of the day to visit Borobudur Park?
The best time of the day to visit Borobudur is during early morning to avoid the scorching sun as well as the tourist crowds, or late afternoon to catch the beautiful sunset from the top of Borobudur.

3. What are the sights within Borobudur Park?
Other than the main highlight of Borobudur temple, there are also two interesting museums; Karmawibhangga Museum and Samudra Raksa Museum. Karmawibhangga Museum is an archaeology museum which exhibits the temple’s history, restoration work and thousands of original stones carvings and relics from the temple. Samudra Raksa Museum is a maritime museum which focuses on the ancient maritime Indian Ocean trade among Indonesia, Madagascar, and East Africa, popularly dubbed as “the cinnamon route”. From the top of Borobudur, you will enjoy a panoramic view of the Kedu Plain with the majestic Mount Merapi in the background. You can also visit the two smaller temples of Pawon and Mendut which are a few kilometres away, forming a straight line corridor with Borobudur.

4. How long does it take to visit Borobudur Park?
It takes at least 2 hours to visit the main temple and another hour to visit the Karmawibhangga Museum and Samudra Raksa Museum.

5. Are there any specific dress code for visiting Borobudur Park?
Borobudur is considered a holy religious site by many Indonesians. Visitors should dress politely and modestly as they would to visit any religious place. Shorts and mini-skirts are prohibited. Visitors are also required to wear a sarong whilst visiting Borobudur. If you do not have your own, one can be borrowed at the entrance gate.

6. What is the itinerary like for the Borobudur Sunrise Tour?
Your driver will pick you up from your hotel at 330am for the Borobudur sunrise tour. Upon reaching the Borobudur Park, you will climb up to the top level of Borobudur to wait for the sunrise. After sunrise, you can explore the temple at your own leisure for 1-2 hours before the busloads of tourists arrive. An additional cost of up to $25 per pax is required for upgrading your Borobudur tour to the Sunrise Package.

7. What are the opening hours of Borobudur Park?
Borobudur is opened to visitors daily from 6am to 5pm. Visitors who sign up for the Borobudur Sunrise Tour will be allowed to visit the temple from 430am onwards.

8. Is it recommended to hire a local guide within Borobudur Park?
We recommend you to hire a local guide within Borobudur for a guided tour of Borobudur. The local guides are licensed by the Borobudur Park Management and are well versed with the history of Borobudur. The guide would be able to explain the reliefs in some details and enhance your tour experience. The guide can be hired on the day itself at the main entrance to Park for 75,000 – 100,000 IDR per hour for the whole group. The price at Prambanan is the same.

9. Are there any special events to look out for in Borobudur Park?
The Borobudur Park hosts an open air dance performance of the Mahakarya Borobudur once a year. The Mahakarya tells the story of the conception and construction of the temple, interweaving the stories of the Saliendra dynasty and local life of the 8th Century. It is a colossal masterpiece performance involving more than 250 dancer against the backdrop of Borobudur at night. On Vesak Day or Buddha’s Birthday (aka Waisak Day in Indonesia) which falls on April or May, an elaborate and colourful multi-day Buddhist festival is held at Borobudur, culminating in a candle-lit procession from Candi Mendut to Borobudur.

10. Are there any restaurants/eateries within Borodudur Park?
There are no restaurants/eateries within Borodudur Park (except at the 4 star Manohara Hotel which resides within the Park but expect to pay more for the convenience and setting), but there are quite a number of nice eateries outside Borodudur Park. Once nice eatery is the Paksi Coffe House (Jl. Badrawati, Ngaran I, Borobudur) which serves Indonesian food and Indonesian coffee at a reasonable price.

11. Can you recommend some restaurants at Yogyakarta?
1. Milas
Cuisines: Vegetarian
Address: Jalan Prawirotaman 4 No. 127B | Parangtritis, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta, Yogyakarta 55153, Indonesia
Telephone: +622747423399
2. Kesuma Restaurant
Cuisines: Indonesian
Address: 827, Gang Sartono | Mantrijeron, Yogyakarta 55143, Indonesia
Telephone: +6285100245027
3. Hani’s Restaurant & Bakery
Cuisines: European
Address: Jl Prawirotaman 14 | Prawirotaman, Yogyakarta, Indonesia
Telephone: +62274374789
4. Mie Ayam Bu Tumini
Address: Jl. Imogiri Timur No.187, Giwangan, Umbulharjo, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55163 (Coordinates here)
Contact: +62 274 410 334
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 10am-5pm
5. House of Raminten (Dinner)
Address: Jl. Faridan Muridan Noto No.7, Kotabaru, Gondokusuman, Kota Yogyakarta, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55224, Indonesia
Opening Hours: 24 hours
6. Gudeg Yu Djum (Dinner)
Address: Jln Wonosari, Jogja Km. 7 Gading, Playen, Kabupaten Gunung Kidul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55861, Indonesia
Opening Hours: 7am – 5.30pm
7. Jejamuran (Mushroom Restaurant) (Lunch)
Address: Jalan Pramuka No.53, RT.01 / RW.20, Niron, Pandowoharjo, Kec. Sleman, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55512, Indonesia
Opening Hours: 9am – 9:10pm
8. Ingkung Kuali
Address: Kalakijo RT 02, Guwosari, Pajangan, Guwosari, Kec. Bantul, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta 55751
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 9am-5pm
9. Sate Klatak Pak Bari
Address: Pasar Wonokromo, Jalan Imogiri Timur No.5, Wonokromo, Pleret, Bantul, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Contact: +62 813 2880 0165
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 6.30pm-1am
10. Entok Slenget Kang Tanir
Address:Jalan Pakem – Turi, Donokerto, Turi, Kabupaten Sleman, Daerah Istimewa Yogyakarta
Contact:+62 818 0433 8944
Opening hours: Mon-Sun 4pm- Sold out

See more recommendations at https://indonesia.tripcanvas.co/jogja/must-try-local-food/.

12. Any other advice for visiting Borodudur Park?
Remember to bring an umbrella and sunblock lotion along to shield yourself from the harsh sun rays.