Travel Insurance Acknowledgement

As a licensing condition of the Singapore Tourism Board, we, IWT LLP, are required to inform you, the Client, to consider purchasing travel insurance

(a) against any failure or disruption in our provision of the travel product arising out of any insolvency on our part; and

(b) in favour of all travellers for whom the payment or deposit is to be made.

Decision to Purchase Travel Insurance

Before we can accept any payment or deposit from you for your travel product, we are required to record the following particulars:

    Full Name


    Invoice Number (Format is YY-XXX)

    Names of Travellers

    Do you wish to purchase the travel insurance described above at this time?


    By selecting "Yes", it means you wish to purchase such travel insurance yourself with reference to the Singapore Tourism Board’s list of insurers at at this time.

    By selecting "No", it means you will purchase such travel insurance later, you have already purchased such travel insurance or you do not wish to be insured.

    Particulars of Travel Insurance

    If you have selected "Yes" in the previous section, please provide the particulars of the travel insurance.

    Name of Insurer

    Name of Policy

    Policy Reference Number

    Names of Travellers

    Alternatively, you can email us a copy of the Certificate of Insurance.


    You acknowledge the risk if you do not purchase travel insurance against insolvency. Please acknowledge the accuracy of this form by ticking the checkbox against the completed contents of this form.

    Tick to acknowledge